
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hebron Rock Colony at App State-Saturday, 10/8

The whole family took a ride up to App State to see Mark Jr. He said he always wanted to take us on a hike so we headed out to Hebron Rock Colony.
This is a cool hike located nearby, where many students and locals go. It is essentially a hike up a waterfall.
(notice wonder dog in the foreground)
After a short .5 mile hike, the trail basically follows the river upstream. How you get up there is up to you, but there is lot's of boulder hopping involved.
Joey and Mark shot up, and Jennifer and I managed Darwin. This little dog has no fear, hopping across boulders like a big dog!
Jennifer was also a trooper, it was a little rough going especially at the top, but we all made it.
The rest of the pictures can be found here:

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