
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

2011 Mount Whitney Trip With Joey-Sunday, 8/21

OK, I have been really bad at my blogging, but I am going to try and reform myself.
To finish up the trip report, Joey and I spent the night at the Dow Villa Motel in Lone Pine.
It is a really cool place, old time, lots of antiques and they have a pool!
After a quick breakfast at a local diner, we decided to go on the "Rock Fantasy" tour in the Alabama Hills.
The Alabama Hills are steeped in movie history. Anytime you see a commerical with mountains in the background, it was probably shot in the Alabama Hills. Old Western movies to Iron Man were shot here. Now everytime Joey sees them on TV, he says "there they are dad".
Anyway, they have a bunch of rock formations that look like creatures.
We started to do that and found about 10 of them, but we got bored.
Joey said, "Dad, where does that road lead?" and off we went on the road to Horseshoe Meadows.
I had never been up there before. The road is better than any rollercoaster ride (thank God certain nervous passengers weren't with us).
It leads up to Horseshoe Meadows which is a pretty cool place.
We hung out for a little while and then started our trek back to LA.
Going down 395 is always interesting, the crazy houses, the airplane graveyard and we stopped for Jerky and Pistacios.
The flight home ended up being an adventure. We missed our flight and they re-routed us to Dallas where we got to stay an extra night.
We were both glad to be home, but it was a great trip!

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