
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Orienteering Lake Crawford 24-Mar-2012

Okay, this is it, last meet of the season.

First I was informed that I will be the meet director for this meet next year.  Hmm...

Then off I went.

Was smokin points 1 to 6.  Then I made a bone head mistake and followed a line of drift and had to backtrack to find point 7.  Then I went into wandering mode (not following my compass or pacecount) and ended up on a major wasteful hike shown on the map by my crazy route between 8 and 9.  Shoulda took 5 min, endedup taking 25, duh!  Then I woke up and finished quickly. 5th out of 7.

Joey for the first time ever did not finish the Orange course.  There were a large number of DNFs so I know it was difficult.

Results here:

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