
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Georgia Navigator Cup 2011 Day 2

Joey and I were much less hurried today.

After having breakfast with the Duke baseball team, we were off to the park.

Joey started 10 min ahead of me. My foot was feeling pretty good, better than expected and it was 20 degrees cooler than Saturday with a nice breeze.

On the red course again, 7.7km today and 12 points.

Point 1 was only 100 meters from the start (?) and point 2 was an easy find as well. I ran into Joey between my point 2 and 3. 3 was another eash find and the legs were starting to get longer. Point 4 was a hike up and down hills and over a swamp and it was buried pretty deep in a gully. I came out right on top of it, but had to go down deep to find it.

Point 5 was 900 meters away, but also an easy find. 6 took me down the same trail I came out yesterday and back to the same swamp. The legs were getting longer now. 7 had me going back past the rangers house, across the road, down a trail and using a boulder cluster as an attack point. Point 7 was very deep in a gully, fun getting in, more fun getting out.

Point 8 was another 2K trek but easy to find. For 9 I ran down the road and used an attack point to go directly to it. I also used an attack on point 10 and then it was down and around to 11 and 12 and the Georgia event was over for this year.

Great meet and courses. Joey came in 2nd in his age group. I came in 3rd (out of 3 )

Maybe next year, Jennifer will come?

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