
Monday, September 26, 2011

2011 Mount Whitney Trip With Joey-Saturday, 8/20

Early rising? Well some of rose early.

First up, before hiking, Joey had to attempt the Whitney Portal Store Pancake.

Then we were on our way.

This year was the first year in 8 years that we decided to camp at trail camp. That meant carrying a heavy pack vs. doing as a day trip.

Well I was in for a rude awakening, I am not in that kind of shape to lug 40 lbs of gear (more on weight later) 11 miles and 6,000 feet of elevation gain.

So after a brief discussion, Joey and I decided to make it a day hike to Lone Pine Lake, eat lunch and return.

We arrived at Lone Pine Lake and Joey immediately began to explore while I made lunch. We were then raided by a chipmunk. They are fearless.

Once we had lunch, we rested for a bit (well I rested, Joey continued to climb around). We packed up and headed back.

You can see the rest of the photos here:

2011 Mount Whitney Trip With Joey-Friday, 8/19

I have not been keeping up my blogging duties!

Made my yearly trek to Mount Whitney, this year bringing Joey along.

We arrived in LA and hot footed it to Lone Pine to see if we could get a permit. While there were no overnight permits available for Friday, we got one for Saturday.

Our first stop after getting the permit was to get dinner and carb load. We stopped at the Pizza Factory and both of us got Spaghetti and Meatballs. Joey's verdict-"really good"

After food shopping and getting some odds and ends in Lone Pine, we made our way up to the portal to set up came for the night.

The obligatory "up the portal road shot"

We found a campsite in the walk in campground and set up camp for the night.

Our humble abode.